Project Write 2Them
posted Jun 23, 2013, 4:38 PM by CTWMA ParentsAssoc
Incoming Class of 2017 at the U.S. Military Service Academies
Posted on May 29, 2013 by Helen Simmons
Project Write2Them is gearing up for another great summer of providing service to the families of the incoming class of 2017 at the U.S. Air Force Academy, West Point – U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy and the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.
During cadet and midshipmen basic training, these young men and women will forgo the use of cell phones and computers for 6-8 weeks and start their journey to become officers in our armed forces. “Mail Call is simply the best part of their day and we make it easier for the families to stay in touch by turning their emails into letters from home,” says Helen Simmons, Executive Director. Families can add friends to their account, so their loved ones can receive lots of positive support during this very difficult training.
Project Write2Them is pleased to announce that they will offer to each Service Academy parents club a gift certificate for a free subscription for service during the 2013 summer basic training at the US Military Service Academies. All official parent clubs are welcome to request a gift certificate, which they may choose to raffle off as a fundraiser or simply use as a door prize. Club Presidents should contact for more information and to request a gift certificate.
The Class of 2017 begins basic training at the service academies on the following dates:
Cadet Basic Training at the US Air Force Academy (USAFA) – June 27th
Plebe Summer at the US Naval Academy (USNA) – June 27th
“BEAST” Cadet Basic Training at West Point (USMA) – July 1st
Swab Summer at the Coast Guard Academy – July 1st.
For more information, go to the website: Project Write 2Them