New USAFA Parents Group Liaison
posted Jun 9, 2012, 4:07 PM by CTWMA ParentsAssoc [ updated May 11, 2013, 12:50 PM ]
Good afternoon,
I have taken over the duties as USAFA Parents Liaison. I will be sending out the names that I have received release forms for your state’s 2016 appointees shortly in a separate e-mail. I mailed out a lot or privacy release requests last week so I am hopeful to get more releases back later this week or next. I apologize for the lateness in getting your appointees names to you. I started last week and it took a little bit to input all the information on the privacy releases to start a good listing.
There will be the Presidents Conference for Parents Weekend as usual (should be on 31 Aug this year) so I hope you can attend. More information will follow on the Presidents’ conference at a later time.
We really appreciate your patience as we transitioned personel in our office. Thank you and I look forward to working with you. (:>)
Parents’ Liaison
U.S. Air Force Academy, CO
(719) 333-3828 Toll Free 877-268-3383